Securum Self Storage

Securum Self Storage is a new concept in secure storage!

  • English
  • Português

Securum are proud to be opening a new facility at MARF, Faro, very soon!

Prohibited objects and materials

The following objects and materials are prohibited and may under no circumstances be stored in a storage room.

1. Firearms, paralysis apparatus and similar

• Firearms, e.g. rifles and pistols
• Parts for firearms
• Harpoons and shotguns
• Bows, crossbows and arrows
• Electric shock weapons, e.g. electric pistols and similar
• Apparatus for stunning and killing animals
• Disabling or temporarily paralysing chemicals, gases and sprays, such as pepper spray, tear gas and sprays containing acid.

2. Explosive and flammable substances and devices, as well as other dangerous substances.

• Ammunition
• Ignition caps
• Detonators and spark plugs
• Mines, grenades and other explosives
• Fireworks and other pyrotechnic equipment
• Smoke bombs and smoke cartridges
• Dynamite, gunpowder and plastic explosives
• Oxidizing agents and organic peroxides, including bleach and car body repair kits
• Highly corrosive substances
• Gases such as propane and butane
• Radioactive material, including medical or commercial isotopes
• Flammable solids and fire-reactive products, including magnesium, lighters, fireworks and signal flares
• Flammable liquids such as methanol and gasoline, other than in small volumes
• Materials that can ignite spontaneously

3. Animals

• All types of live animals.

4. Other

• All types of illegal objects
• Infectious or biologically hazardous materials, e.g. contains bacteria or viruses
• Toxic substances

It is also prohibited to store all types of objects and materials that under Portuguese law are prohibited from possessing, consuming, or storing.

To read our full list of Securum Self Storage Prohibited Items, please download the PDF at the link below.

Prohibited Materials pdf download